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Download updates

Here you may download the latest updates of HAM-LOG for Windows and the DXCC files:


(approx. 70 KB)

IOTA File (22 JUN 2019).
Download into a temporary directory and execute. Copy the file IOTA.DBF into the HAM-LOG directory.


(approx. 100 KB)

Prefix Files (20 OCT 2018). Download into a temporary directory, unpack to LAN.DBF, LA1N.DBF, LA2.DBF, LAZ.DBF and SYNONYM.DBF, overwrite old files. 
(Corrected an error with KL7 Alaska).


(approx. 130 KB)

DOK File (01 MAY 2024)
Attention: Only for version 2.46 und higher!!!!
Download into a temporary directory and execute. Copy the file DOK.DBF into the HAM-LOG directory.


(approx. 500 KB)

User's Guide (20 FEB 2010)

User's Guide in PDF format.

Infos to VE7CC 

PDF File VE7CC-DX-Cluster-en

Information how to get DX Spots in HAM-LOG together with the software from VE7CC.